Binding seamless Technology with Finance
We’ll help you work through the contact details
Inefficient HR processes
Longer wait times for employees
Poor Employee engagement
Inefficient HR processes
Easier search and information access with accurate
Facilitating lower costs through automation
Conversational & involving employees by providing a wide
Expanding HR availability to 24*7
Improving employee retention
Python & React.JS
NVIDIA Nemo (based on PyTorch), NeMo ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition), NeMo TTS(Text to Speech), NeMo NLP (Natural language processing)
Neural Networks, BERT
Spell-checker, Google vocab, Gensim library - for word2vec model, etc., NLTK library - for TF - IDF and text pre-processing, etc., Flask, sklearn, Joblib, pathlib, OS, pickel, JSON.
Word2Vector + TF_IDF + Global Corpus